I can't wait until Friday for my last chemo appointment. I have had some questions about if I can have visitors. Yes, you can come and visit me. Come early in my chemo visit. My dad says I don't look very good when I am done with chemo.
I have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 and chemo starts at 11:00. If you are planning on visiting me, give me a call to get some directions.
Here is the address
North Memorial Outpatient Center
3435 West Broadway
Robbinsdale, MN 55422
(763) 520-7887
After two changes in meds, my cough is starting to get better. I can now breath a little easier than last week.
This weekend I went to Austin with my Dad to visit my Grandma. He makes weekly trips to Austin to check on her or go to her doctors appointments. It's interesting watching my Dad deal with his Mom. I don't know what's worse, him watching me in chemo or dealing with his Mom. I will say he does a nice job. Also on the Dad note, if you get the Star Tribune one of the machines he has worked on at Tennant was on the front page of the business section on Monday.
We went to a bridal shower for Jessica (Bryan's ) on Sunday at Jessica's Mom and Dad's house and we had a good time. We actually have pictures of her for the first time, she loves having her picture taken. Dena even stopped at Sonic for slushies on the way home. It was a first time visit for my Mom and Dena.
Today I worked for a little bit at the pool and then had lunch at my Grandma's with Rolly who is in town for a few weeks. It's always great seeing him when he's home, he is in the Marines and has been to Iraq twice.
Also I'm amazied with all the words of encouragement, and generosity people have shown. I'm must say this isn't easy but it's alot easier with the support I'm given.
I'm now waiting to have my lab work on Wednesday to check my white blood cell count.
Have a great week
Hey Anna!
A big "HOWDY" from TX! Ok ... so I'm a bit slow ... a lot going on in my life including keeping up with your blog. I'm so glad that things are going as well as can be expected. I'm quite certain you will be back to giving everyone a run for their money very soon :) Oh and "big earrings" are in the mail :D (That's what the slow comment was referring to ...)
Heather (your cousin in TX)
Anna....just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you :) HAPPY LAST DAY OF CHEMO!!!!!
Anna....just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you :) HAPPY LAST DAY OF CHEMO!!!!!
Cathy Witte
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