Merry Christmas
We had some exciting news before Thanksgiving. I went to see Dr. Larson for my three month check up which was also my one year anniversary of being lymphoma free. I'm now on every 6 month visits. For the most part my life is back to normal. It's taking a year to recover, but I'm doing almost everything I did before and then some.
I had some fun goals to meet before my one year anniversary being lymphoma free. One was to run in a half marathon.

On October 23rd Dena and I ran in the Mankato half marathon. My goal was to finish and I did that. Dena was a great sport and joined me in my training. Dena told me she's won't be running in a half marathon next year. We did a great job of planning some runs before the half, like running a bunch of 5K, 10K, and a 10 miler. My parents and Alyssa Gabrielson came to cheer us on. Alyssa, thanks for taking time off to cheer us on. I will say it was a lot of work, but tons of fun.

Me actually running during the Mankato half marathon. It was a hot October morning. Who would think you could actually wear shorts (or a running skirt) in October. We brought enough running clothes along for a week.

Bailey is back to my parents for the winter. Over Thanksgiving I was resting only to find out I had strep throat on Friday morning.

On Christmas Eve we went to my grandma's and grandpa's. Jake and Mel Nicholson were in town and they have a cute little guy for me to entrain.

Any of my cousins who missed Christmas eve. We have the normal picture of Grandpa to show. Yes we are singing and reading the Bible story of Jesus birth. And Grandpa's resting.

My hair is back. I'm able to get it up with out using bobby pins. My goal now is to grow it out and donate it to Locks of Love when it's long enough.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
1 comment:
LOVE your update :)
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