Sorry I didn't blog last night, but I came home super tired from chemo or the week. I slept most of the evening.
Yesterday was the half way point for the chemo treatment if everything goes as planned. So that's sort of exciting. My blood counts were the best they've been in a while. As much as I hate getting my shot, I guess it's a good thing. I have to go in on Sunday morning for my shot this time.
On Thursday morning Joshua had a request that I get some pictures so he could see what chemo looks like. I'm sure some of you would also like to see. The first two pictures are my Nurse Karen injecting meds into my iv. It's sort of like getting a shot, but it is in my iv mixed with solution. The third one is Nurse Karen hooking up an iv with some chemo meds in it. It's a lot of sitting around. I have 4 iv drips(2 are premeds anti nausea and the last two are chemo meds) , and 2 injections (both of these are chemo meds that taste bad) every time I go in. Hard to believe that what goes in my arm tastes bad right away.
This time my dad came with and we watched Anchorman. I can't say that it's a good movie, but it's funny. We spent quality time laughing. Then we watched Oprah. This was the quickest getting in and out of chemo, 4 1/2 hours.
I will say I have had very good nurses. Every time I go in I have had a new nurse and I like the first one, then the second one was good, the third one was good, and the fourth one was awesome. Very educational and helped me out in changing what I do during the injection meds so I don't get so much of the nasty taste . Eating ice chips helps a ton or at least is time.
I'm still on my soup, applesauce, and bread diet for the next few days. Allison, thanks for the soup it will be eaten this weekend. I'm very sensitive to smells the first few days after chemo. I end up eating a lot by myself at home just because it's easier for me.
One last thing, I'm looking for a rainbow clown wig to borrow for the boys in the morning. My hair is falling out a lot, good thing I started with very thick hair. I do have a wig and a bunch of cute hats. Dena brought me back a cool scarf from her vacation a few weeks ago to teach swimming lessons in.
Have a great weekend
Thanks for the pictures! All of the boys looked at them and Joshua was especially glad that he got to see them. Now, maybe he won't ask so many questions...wait, he'll probably just have more :)
Hope you are doing well this weekend. Talk to you tomorrow!
Amie, Jeffrey, Jacob and Joshua
Glad you are weathering the storm with such a positive attitude. I'll get you the wig sometime today. I am sure the boys will get a kick out of it!!
I understand the bone/joint pain. Sorry.
What type of soup do you best tolerate?
Do you have any books, like to read?
Talk to you soon.
Hey, Anna-
You're so up beat - that's awesome. A positive additude can help a lot, to keep up the good work. Your pics are interesting. Mom & Dad keep us informed but I like reading your blog, too.
Take care!
Jeanine & Wes
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