Today I start the first day of cycle #2. Dena came with for entrainment and helping me out. We met with the doctor first all of my issues are normal for chemo. Hot flashes are normal, and body aches are normal because of my age. I did get a change in med for my body aches. I have my shot this time on Sunday morning they didn't have any openings on Saturday afternoon.
So far I'm doing okay the same as every other Friday night on chemo.
I'm going to meet with the people at the American Cancer Society on Thursday to check out their resources.
The picture attached is how I spend most of my weekend. Bailey is my protector.
So far everyone is loving the hair cut. Thanks girls for the hair cut. I'm still in a little shock that it was paid for.
Have a great weekend
Hi Anna - Finally figured out this posting thing, I think! Just wanted to leave a quick note to wish you the best. Hey, you've reached Cycle #2 - that's something! I'm sure you are sleeping right now. We just finished watching the Wild win, drinking a "little" wine, which is an improvement over last Friday when the quantity was a little more at the Gabrielson's and POV's. Sure was a fun night and so great to see you.
Hope you feel better tomorrow. Oh, I love the haircut - that was so nice of your friends. Get some rest this weekend - the pace you keep (and chemo) requires some down time. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hi, Anna!
Like the new "du"! Talked with Mom on Sunday and glad to hear things are going a long "normally". You're doing a great job, girl, and we're praying for you and thinking of you often. Take care & Happy Easter!
Jeanine & Wes
Love the haircut! Keep thinking positive, you are my hero!!
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