Here is my update since my last blog entry.
My hair is back. I don't have to wear a hat every day. I still have a lot of hair but it's not the same texture as before or the same color. I must say I miss wearing a hat, do you know how much easier it is in the morning just putting on a hat.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, it was nice and relaxing. I had a lot to be thankful for this year. It's amazing how much ones life can change in a year. I'm very lucky to have such wonderful love and support. I was able to see "The Blind Side" during Thanksgiving break. What a great movie.
I had my last doctors appointment to have my heart rate check out right before Thanksgiving. I was given a clear bill to start working out and my Echo and EKG came back normal. I was told by my doctor to try to be active 30 to 60 minutes a day, to try and get my heart rate to drop.
Ruben came home from Hawaii for a long weekend last weekend. My dad and I were able to spend some time with him. Thanks for bringing us winter Ruben. I had to cancel my first ski trip of the year in early December due to no snow. It finally snowed last week.
I'm back to teaching Aqua Jog actually getting in the pool, some of the ladies I think thought I was going to melt the first time I got in. It had been a long time since I was able to actually get in and teach. I'm also trying to swim with the triathlon group on Wednesday nights. The key word is try. I can swim about 10-25 minutes and each time gets a little longer. The first time I got in I could only swim about 150 yards and I had to stop due to the crazy coughing.
Friday night I went on my first ski trip of the year. We had 50 middle and high school kids at Afton Alps. It was tons of fun, it helps when the kids are good. I actually skied quite a bit more then sometimes. No injuries with the kids so that helps me be able to ski more. The weather was great as long as you dressed for it. I was actually a little too warm.
Last week I got the crazy idea that I should try kickboxing again. I haven't been to kickboxing in over a year prior to being diagnosed. Good thing I know the instructor so I emailed her asking if I could just show up. She was excited to have me back, I think she likes to kick my butt. I can't wait to roll out of bed tomorrow morning feeling the pain.
Saturday night we celebrated my dad's 60th Birthday. He had a good time and it was great seeing a lot of our family and friends support. My dad truly has amazed me in the last year. He has gone trough a lot, first his daughter getting diagnosed with lymphoma (not knowing what to expect), my brother getting married (one thing to celebrate), and his mom getting sick and dying. He was one of my main supporters especially during chemo and my first few hours at home. He always without failure stopped at Target to get me my favorite Blue Raspberry icee on our way home and sometimes had to go out later in the evening and get me another one. He would frequently remind me to slow down when I didn't and don't want to. He spent many hours with my grandma taking her to the doctor, helping her find a new place to live, and being with her on her last days of life. My dad's actual birthday is on Wednesday December 16th. You can email him at and wish him a Happy Birthday. My mom's Birthday is on December 17th she will only tell you she is 29 years old.
Overall I'm almost back to my normal. I still like to do way too much and end up paying the price in need of more sleep than my liking.
I'm wishing for more snow this week. I'm skiing again this Friday at Wild Mountain and then Rolly (one of my cousins) thinks we are going out skiing on Saturday some place.
Have a wonderful week
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Exciting News
Here is the exciting update.
Yesterday my Dad and I went to the doctors (my family won’t send me to the oncologist alone). And Dr. Larson was actually on time. Dena and I have waited 45 minutes to see him. The exciting news is the lymphoma is gone. I still have three lymph nodes they are watching. I will be one of those people they are always watching. We also got to see my last scan. I do have some lung damage from radiation (I also had some before radiation) and he also said my two lungs won’t look the same any more.
He did ask about my cough and I said some days I cough 5 minutes a day and some days 5 hours a day. He asked if I want some medication and I told him no if it was prednisone. I have been on it long enough and I don’t like the side effects (weight gain).
Also Dr. Larson said I could start working out again. Even with a high heart rate (126 yesterday at the doctors, it should be between 50-90). He told me that I know what I can do. I’m sure my Dad didn’t like that answer, Dr. Larson doesn’t know me very well, and I can be a little stubborn. I have an Echo gram on Monday and a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday to have my heart rate check out.
We have our winter dog Bailey back. I think she is loving life.
It’s nice having a great report right before the holidays and I have a great three-month break from oncology.
Thanks for your prayers and support
Have a great weekend
Yesterday my Dad and I went to the doctors (my family won’t send me to the oncologist alone). And Dr. Larson was actually on time. Dena and I have waited 45 minutes to see him. The exciting news is the lymphoma is gone. I still have three lymph nodes they are watching. I will be one of those people they are always watching. We also got to see my last scan. I do have some lung damage from radiation (I also had some before radiation) and he also said my two lungs won’t look the same any more.
He did ask about my cough and I said some days I cough 5 minutes a day and some days 5 hours a day. He asked if I want some medication and I told him no if it was prednisone. I have been on it long enough and I don’t like the side effects (weight gain).
Also Dr. Larson said I could start working out again. Even with a high heart rate (126 yesterday at the doctors, it should be between 50-90). He told me that I know what I can do. I’m sure my Dad didn’t like that answer, Dr. Larson doesn’t know me very well, and I can be a little stubborn. I have an Echo gram on Monday and a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday to have my heart rate check out.
We have our winter dog Bailey back. I think she is loving life.
It’s nice having a great report right before the holidays and I have a great three-month break from oncology.
Thanks for your prayers and support
Have a great weekend
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The latest

Here is what I have been up to.
My cousins and Auntie Patty (everyone else please call her Pat) came to town for my grandma's funeral. It was great spending time with them. I just hope we don't wait another 9 years to see them. Before we left Austin we went to the Spam Museum, it was actually pretty cool. We (my brother and sister) have asked my dad for years to go to the museum, so we finally got to go. While Pat, Heather, and Renee were in town we went to Stillwater for some tea and shopping. It was a great afternoon on the river. It did take me some time to recover after they left (I didn't get all my naps in and I didn't want to miss anything).
The next weekend was Halloween weekend. Jakob and Kennadi (Bryan and Jessica's kids) came over to show off their cool costumes and to get their treats. The neighbors were excited to finally have some trick or treaters. It's been a few years since we have had any trick or treaters. We did have some excitement in the neighborhood on Halloween night, the kids down the street had a party with about 200-300 people at it and they had a stabbing around 1:00 am. Good times had my all. The police where still there at 8:00 am on Sunday morning.
Last weekend my family finally went out for my birthday dinner. We went to Pizza Juce in Downtown Minneapolis. I highly recommend the Mash potato pizza. I also had my birthday cake. One of my friend's 6 year old nieces was very concerned about me not having a birthday cake. On Saturday I went out for tea and shopping with Dena and Jeanine in Anoka. On Sunday one of the greatest things was having a 3 hour brunch with some of the girls from the pool. I did help my Dad rake the yard a little bit this weekend in the nice weather that we had. Yesterday (Monday) I went to the compost with my dad to help with the trailer full of leaves. While at the compost we had to leave laughing. There were two gentlemen in a pickup and trailer next to us who didn't know how to back the trailer and then they got out of the truck and needed a leaf blower to empty the trailer. It was like being at the boat landing and watching the crazy people. My Dad and I emptied our trailer quick and left as they were about half done.
Overall I'm still doing okay. I'm just fatigued most of the time. I still can't exercise much due to a high heart rate. I'm still coughing a little bit and trying to stay off the meds. I have a PET scan next week and a doctors appointment on Friday (11/20). Dena or my Dad will go with me to the doctor.
Have a great week
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Good and Bad News
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had an uneventful day on Friday. It started with my Dad wishing me a Happy Birthday at 5:00 am before I left for work, followed by teaching swimming lesson and a nice long nap in the afternoon. In the evening I went shopping with my Mom followed by many “we need to slow down” and then a dinner at Chili’s.
I heard back from the doctor (she called while she was on vacation) on Monday afternoon. I'm still a "Mystery" right now they want me to wait and see what happens for a few months or I can go back on prednisone for some more fun. I chose to wait and see, but I need to call in right away when my breathing gets bad or I can't handle my cough anymore. What fun.
On Sunday morning Grandma Gabrielson passed away. My dad’s sister is coming to town on Wednesday evening with her two daughters Heather and Renee. David is coming in on Thursday and then we will all be in Austin for the visitation on Thursday evening and the Funeral on Friday morning. It’s been a long time since we have spent anytime together and Bryan (my brother) says he has grown up so he won’t bug you David at the visitation. It’s nice seeing family, I just wish it was for something fun.
Have a good week
I heard back from the doctor (she called while she was on vacation) on Monday afternoon. I'm still a "Mystery" right now they want me to wait and see what happens for a few months or I can go back on prednisone for some more fun. I chose to wait and see, but I need to call in right away when my breathing gets bad or I can't handle my cough anymore. What fun.
On Sunday morning Grandma Gabrielson passed away. My dad’s sister is coming to town on Wednesday evening with her two daughters Heather and Renee. David is coming in on Thursday and then we will all be in Austin for the visitation on Thursday evening and the Funeral on Friday morning. It’s been a long time since we have spent anytime together and Bryan (my brother) says he has grown up so he won’t bug you David at the visitation. It’s nice seeing family, I just wish it was for something fun.
Have a good week
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Another Doctor's Appointment
Here is what happened at the doctors. I have been off prednisone for little over a week. And the doctor doesn’t want to put me back on it due to the side effects. That’s great for me. I have been coughing a little more now that I am off prednisone and I get winded when I’m walking the steps at home.
I went to the respiratory doctor on Wednesday and I have two tests on October 15th. The tests are CT scan and a breathing test. Both the test I have had before, to figure out what to do next. My heart rate was back up to 115 but my blood pressure is normal. So they are a little concerned about that. I have to try not to raise my heart rate. So no extra walking and I can't work out. I can go to Target but I can only shop for what's on my list, I can't look around. On the good note I lost 14 lbs in 6 weeks (that was when I was at that doctors last) and they figure most of that was since a week and a half ago due to one of those side effects.
They figure my other problem is a bad cold. And I just need to sleep like crazy. So I’m still 1 for 3 at the doctor’s offices.
Here are some other happenings in my life.
Bailey our winter dog made a one week visit so her owner could go to her class reunion. We also had Sally (one of Bryan’s dogs) the same week we had Bailey. They get along really well. It’s kind of amazing. Bryan and Jessica went on their honeymoon last week so we had their two dogs. Sally and Shadow are funny. Shadow is a puppy so it’s like starting all over again, her favorite place to lay is in the office on the futon. Overall the dogs get along really well, they just like to play like no tomorrow when they are in the mood.
On September 19th I read in a wedding. Good thing the dogs were around to hear me practice. The lovely wig came out one more time. A family friend got married, and then danced the night away. It was a lot of fun. Congrats to Katie and Jake.
Also I went to Stillwater last weekend with a friend (we went to get salted nut rolls but they didn’t have any) and managed to get ourselves in a new knitting store that wasn’t opened yet and I found some yarn to buy. You can check out the yarn shop at it’s in a really cute location. Then we went to Aamondt’s and Pine Tree Apple Orchards for lunch.
The pool is back open so I’m working a few hours there. I start teaching Friday morning lessons this Friday. It’s nice to try to get back on schedule.
Work is in full swing of things.
Happy Birthday Anne Karson
Have a fabulous weekend
Go Twins and Vikings
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Radiation Onocoglist
I apologize for taking some time to write, one of my proofreaders was out of town for a few days. Grandma Gabrielson had eye surgery yesterday so my dad was down in Austin taking her to the Mayo Clinic for a check up. So far so good.
First the important news, I’m done visiting my radiation oncologist unless I find something in one of my lymph nodes. Then I need to call right away. He gave me very strict instructions on what to look for. You would think he was talking to a first grader. My doctor is very nice but very by the books. So that’s exciting news. One doctor down two to go.
Overall I’m doing pretty good besides getting a little tired as the days of the week go on. Sometimes it’s my own fault because I try and do too much.
Last Friday I went to Dena’s for the afternoon and we made mosaic balls. It was a lot of fun. You can see a picture of our projects. I still think Chris (Dena’s husband) thinks we are crazy for our talented art work.
Saturday I went to the Osseo Lions Roar Parade with some people from St. Paul’s Lutheran church (the church I used to work at). It was tons of fun seeing Jenny, Jane and Cindy and the weather was nice and hot. In the evening we (my parents, myself, and the Feeny's ) went to the Anoka Crusin for the last time of the year. We did find a place to watch the Gopher Football game. I think we were all wishing that we were at the game.
Sunday, Dena and I went to Austin for Grandparents day to see Grandma Gabrielson. It was the first time Dena and I had been to her new place. It was nice to see her. All I can say is the people that work there are gifted people. I don’t think I would have the patients to deal with what they deal with every day.
School is great, it’s calm before the storm, and the boys in the morning are wonderful especially on Thursday (white frosted donuts with sprinkles).
Sally and Bailey have had a wonderful visit. Sally has had a nice vacation from her home. She actually hangs out with us instead of hiding from the excitement at her house. Bailey is a very sweet dog. We love having her. Both dogs get along great and are leaving on Friday sometime. We weren't friends this morning at 4:45 am. when Sally decided it was time to get up and play.
Have a great weekend
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Day of School
On Thursday night we had a sleepover, Jacob and Kennandi (Bryan's kids) spent the night. I never knew how much fun lighted knitting needles could be in the eyes of two 8 year olds. We went to Como Zoo on Friday morning and had a good time looking at the animals and going on rides.
On Saturday I went bowling for one of the first times since March. I can tell you I was tired after bowling 3 games, who knew that could take so much out of you. I came home and took a nap only to go to Hastings for Saturday night Cruise In for dinner. They have a nice car show in downtown Hastings and some new restaurants we haven't been to. I had my first Supper in a Cup since the first of the year. I can tell you it was super good.
Sunday I did stuff at church counting money and Kids Time (I was supposed to serve Communion but they didn't have enough people in church). I spent much of Sunday afternoon sleeping. Monday was also a nice day to relax.
Sally (Bryan's Dog) is coming to visit for a few days and Bailey (our winter dog) will be coming on Thursday for a week.
Have a great week
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Back to School
Over the weekend my dad and I went to Brainerd to race. The weather was perfect for racing and a little cool at night. For me it was a great weekend going down the race track, knitting, napping, and eating ice cream I can't ask for much more. On Friday I went shopping with Vicki Tercero, we went to Among the Pines (one of my favorite yarn shops) and a few other places, on one of our last stops we stopped at the liquor store and saw former Senator Norm Coleman buying wine. They had a lot of nice cars up at the track. MSRA (Minnesota Street Rod Association) rents the track every year for one weekend for the MSRA members. The first picture (the gray car) is of me racing and the second picture is of my dad drag racing.
This week I started back at school. I can tell you that it's nice trying to get back on schedule, but I'm still suffering from fatigue. I come home every night tired. My dad keeps reminding me to go to bed. You can tell who your friends are when they tell you at 10:00 am that you look really tired. I was a morning person prior to March, now I have a hard time moving in the morning (actually anytime I wake up). The doctors told me I can have fatigue for anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years.
After many questions about the H1N1 virus and myself. I called the doctors office to see what I should be watching for and if I should get the shot. They basically said to use common sense (watch my diet, get enough sleep, exercise, etc.). I can get the shot only if it's a dead virus.
Also last week I was informed that one of the girls (12 years old) that I worked with when I was a youth director at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Osseo was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA). SAA is a condition in which the bone marrow fails to produce blood cells. The bone marrow becomes sick. Blood consists of three basic components that sustain life: white blood cells (to fight infection), red blood cells (carry oxygen), and platelet cells (control clotting). When all three components are affected, this is the development of Aplastic Anemia. She is currently at the University of Minnesota waiting a Bone Marrow Transplant which is the only cure. Her brother will be her donor. She will spend a minimum of 6 weeks in the hospital. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Have a great Labor Day weekend
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Waiting Game
This week was a great week. I spent some time with friends before going back to work. On Tuesday, I made a trip to Stillwater with Anne and Shaun for lunch and a walk around the town. The girls at the pool had a dinner on Wednesday evening. I also went out for coffee (tea for me) a few times this week. I can't have caffeine yet.
On Friday, I had a doctors appointment with Dr. Larson (my oncologist) and Dena went with me. So here is the update: as of right now I don't go back to this doctor for 3 months, then I will have another PET Scan, and some blood work done. They are still a little concerned about a mass in my lungs (they think it might be scar tissue). So we are waiting for some of the drugs to get out of me. The mass in my lungs is not related to my cough (or so they tell me).
This means that I have only one doctor appointment a month for the next 3 months. That's what happens when you have 3 specialists. I'm not sure what I will do with all my time.
Friday, Dena and I went to Sammy's Pizza and movie (Julie and Julia) thanks to the Adams Staff. It was a good movie, but I don't think I will ever be cooking an entire cookbook.
I did go for a few walks this weekend and I needed a nap when I got home.
This week is my last week of summer before I go back to work. I have a few more things planned. I'm also working on walking or running a little more. On Friday my dad and I leave for Brainerd to race on Saturday and Sunday.
Have a great week
On Friday, I had a doctors appointment with Dr. Larson (my oncologist) and Dena went with me. So here is the update: as of right now I don't go back to this doctor for 3 months, then I will have another PET Scan, and some blood work done. They are still a little concerned about a mass in my lungs (they think it might be scar tissue). So we are waiting for some of the drugs to get out of me. The mass in my lungs is not related to my cough (or so they tell me).
This means that I have only one doctor appointment a month for the next 3 months. That's what happens when you have 3 specialists. I'm not sure what I will do with all my time.
Friday, Dena and I went to Sammy's Pizza and movie (Julie and Julia) thanks to the Adams Staff. It was a good movie, but I don't think I will ever be cooking an entire cookbook.
I did go for a few walks this weekend and I needed a nap when I got home.
This week is my last week of summer before I go back to work. I have a few more things planned. I'm also working on walking or running a little more. On Friday my dad and I leave for Brainerd to race on Saturday and Sunday.
Have a great week
Monday, August 17, 2009
A weekend away
On Friday I went up to BIR (Brainerd International Raceway) for the weekend for the NHRA Nationals.
This week is a pretty slow week and it's hard to believe I go back to work in 2 weeks. I have some plans to see friends this week. I also have an oncologist appointment on Friday. Dena is going with me to see Dr. Larson hopefully we find out what the next plan in treatment is.
Have a good week
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Done with Radiation
As of right now I'm done with radiation. I finished up on Wednesday August 5th. Thank you to the girls at the pool and the triathlon group for going out on Wednesday night to celebrate. I can't taste much (I can taste over salty and sweet things) but I can taste a beer. It's nice not having to plan your day around radiation. I'm still recovering from the side effects of radiation and the side effects are fatigue, sore throat, and skin rash. As of right now I could sleep 24/7 and still not get enough sleep.
Some of you have asked what my wig looks like. I only wear it for special occasions (wedding pictures). My brother Bryan got married over the weekend to Jessica. So you have your chance to see my wig. Yes my hair is growing back but very slowly. I will probably go back to school in September wearing hats.
The wedding was a lot of fun and it was great seeing all the family and friends on Saturday evening. I have attached a picture of my siblings (myself, Bryan, and Dena) and the other picture is of the family. Bryan and Jessica had a cartoonist at the wedding so the last picture is of myself and Katie Scheevel (a family friend).
The pool closed to the public on Friday so it's nice not having to get up and go to work every day. I'm still working a little bit at the pool helping clean.
Also this week I had a CAT scan on Monday for my respiratory appointment on Thursday morning. I'm still on prednisone for my cough which is helping with the nice weight gain. I still have a little bit of a cough from time to time.
I meet with my oncologist Dr. Larson on Friday August 21st, Dena is going with me. We have fun when we meet with him. He's pretty funny. I should know what my next step in treatment is after that appointment. I'm not holding my breathe since anything can happen.
On Friday I'm going to Brainerd for the weekend to watch Lucas Oil NHRA Nationals with my dad.
Happy Birthday to
Jen and Ken Meyer,
Steve Feeny and Sandy Orth
Happy Anniversay to
My mom and dad
Ali and Cam Becker
Anne and Shaun Karson
Marica and David Wetterlund
Have a wonderful week
Sunday, August 2, 2009
3 days left
As of right now I have 3 days of radiation left. I should be done on Wednesday. Every week I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday or Thursday depending on my doctors schedule. Last week I had one on Thursday after radiation, I asked the doctor what to expect after Wednesday of this week. He told me that I have a 6 week break with some scans and then I have a check up. I will have an appointment with the Respiratory doctor on August 13th, no the cough still isn't completely gone but it's better
I'm doing pretty good, just tired most of the time. It's getting hard to get up in the morning, the fatigue is setting in. My skin is still red and hot most of the time where I had the radiation. I must say lotion helps a lot.
Through the Cancer Society, they set me up with a Pilate's class in Anoka (Pilates on the Porch in Anoka). I started on Thursday evening and have it for the next 3 weeks. It's using a Pilates Reformer, it was pretty cool.
This is also the last week the pool is open. Then I start my summer break. My brother is getting married on Saturday August 8th. So it's sort of a busy week for us at the Gabrielson's.
Have a great week!
I'm doing pretty good, just tired most of the time. It's getting hard to get up in the morning, the fatigue is setting in. My skin is still red and hot most of the time where I had the radiation. I must say lotion helps a lot.
Through the Cancer Society, they set me up with a Pilate's class in Anoka (Pilates on the Porch in Anoka). I started on Thursday evening and have it for the next 3 weeks. It's using a Pilates Reformer, it was pretty cool.
This is also the last week the pool is open. Then I start my summer break. My brother is getting married on Saturday August 8th. So it's sort of a busy week for us at the Gabrielson's.
Have a great week!
Monday, July 27, 2009
The last week
The last week we has been fun and trying.
My skin is getting redder and the lotion is being applied more frequently.
I spent the last week dog and house sitting. It was nice to have a reason to walk every day. Our days consisted of working (Anna not the dog), sleeping, eating, playing outside, radiation (only Anna), and eating. Thanks to the girls at the pool and Amie for applying the lotion twice daily since I wasn't at home.
I developed a sore throat about a week and a half ago. Not sure if it was really a sore throat from radiation or if it was a true sore throat. By Tuesday of last week it was painful swallowing. I haven't had strep throat but they tell me this is strep throat times 3. On Wednesday during my doctors visit they gave me the "Magic Wash" to use before and after meals. It only works about 1/2 the time. So I'm working on changing what I eat. Mac and cheese and mash potatoes are the best along with Giant Cheetos. It's amazing how painful it can be to swallow something. Hopefully this will help me lose some weight.
Over the weekend it was the annual Tennant camp out at Baker Park Reserve. I went out to the campground on Saturday evening for the potluck of all potlucks. It seems like the food gets better and more of it every year. We also had the parents vs kids volleyball game. And yes, I did play.
Sunday evening I went for my first run since the beginning of March. My dad went with me and we did a run a block and walk a block run. I did come home tired and out of breath but you have to start some where. It's amazing how good it feels to be in running clothes and tennis shoes. Hopefully I will find time to run again later this week.
Have a wonderful week
My skin is getting redder and the lotion is being applied more frequently.
I spent the last week dog and house sitting. It was nice to have a reason to walk every day. Our days consisted of working (Anna not the dog), sleeping, eating, playing outside, radiation (only Anna), and eating. Thanks to the girls at the pool and Amie for applying the lotion twice daily since I wasn't at home.
I developed a sore throat about a week and a half ago. Not sure if it was really a sore throat from radiation or if it was a true sore throat. By Tuesday of last week it was painful swallowing. I haven't had strep throat but they tell me this is strep throat times 3. On Wednesday during my doctors visit they gave me the "Magic Wash" to use before and after meals. It only works about 1/2 the time. So I'm working on changing what I eat. Mac and cheese and mash potatoes are the best along with Giant Cheetos. It's amazing how painful it can be to swallow something. Hopefully this will help me lose some weight.
Over the weekend it was the annual Tennant camp out at Baker Park Reserve. I went out to the campground on Saturday evening for the potluck of all potlucks. It seems like the food gets better and more of it every year. We also had the parents vs kids volleyball game. And yes, I did play.
Sunday evening I went for my first run since the beginning of March. My dad went with me and we did a run a block and walk a block run. I did come home tired and out of breath but you have to start some where. It's amazing how good it feels to be in running clothes and tennis shoes. Hopefully I will find time to run again later this week.
Have a wonderful week
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Radiation 7 days down
So far radiation has gone as planned. It's every day (Monday-Friday) at 3:20. I'm still working on finding my favorite lotion (aloe is the winner as of right now). My parents will tell you my skin looks sunburned all the time where I'm getting radiation.
Over all besides working out, I'm doing almost everything I normally do. I still like to take naps and spend most of the weekend sleeping or going out in the evening. I find it amazing that people are surprised that I'm going out. You know, you can only sit at home so long. I told my parents at the beginning that I wanted to live my life as normal as possible as long as possible and over all I think I have done that.
It's a small world. I was at radiation on Friday talking to my nurse and she said, Anna I know you from some where. I told her she looked familiar but we couldn't really place where we know each other from. Then on my way home I called back to the clinic because I figured out where I know her from. It was Leah from Best Buy, we worked together in sales audit. I guess you never know who will be taking care of you.
This week I'm dog sitting for the week. It's nice that I'm doing something I normally like to do.
Have a great week!
Over all besides working out, I'm doing almost everything I normally do. I still like to take naps and spend most of the weekend sleeping or going out in the evening. I find it amazing that people are surprised that I'm going out. You know, you can only sit at home so long. I told my parents at the beginning that I wanted to live my life as normal as possible as long as possible and over all I think I have done that.
It's a small world. I was at radiation on Friday talking to my nurse and she said, Anna I know you from some where. I told her she looked familiar but we couldn't really place where we know each other from. Then on my way home I called back to the clinic because I figured out where I know her from. It was Leah from Best Buy, we worked together in sales audit. I guess you never know who will be taking care of you.
This week I'm dog sitting for the week. It's nice that I'm doing something I normally like to do.
Have a great week!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
2 days of Radiation
I started radiation last Thursday, July 9th. I go every day Monday-Friday at 3:20 pm, it's about a 10 minute appointment, then I'm done. It beats sitting in chemo for 4-6 hours. Radiation is much like laying on a backboard with your head in the rescue breathing position and laying there for about 3 minutes, then I'm done. So far I haven't had much for side effects besides itchy skin. Right now I'm trying different lotions. I can eat almost anything, it's just a little science experiment when I'm done, sometimes I get a metal taste in my mouth, other than that it's not to bad. I have figured out I can't eat anything overly cold, like ice cream or my other favorite icees.
This weekend Dena and I hosted a bridal shower for Jessica, Bryan's fiance. It was the first time most of the family on my mom's side has met her. She got a lot of nice gifts. It was also Chris (Dena's husband) birthday this weekend, so as a family we went out to Punch Pizza for dinner tonight. On the other exciting note, I went for a walk this afternoon only to come home and sleep for a few hours. I had to remind my parents that I haven't been getting my afternoon nap for the last three days and it really doesn't help with the fatigue.
Other all I'm doing pretty good, I'm just working on trying to figure out what lotion will do the trick.
Have a good week
This weekend Dena and I hosted a bridal shower for Jessica, Bryan's fiance. It was the first time most of the family on my mom's side has met her. She got a lot of nice gifts. It was also Chris (Dena's husband) birthday this weekend, so as a family we went out to Punch Pizza for dinner tonight. On the other exciting note, I went for a walk this afternoon only to come home and sleep for a few hours. I had to remind my parents that I haven't been getting my afternoon nap for the last three days and it really doesn't help with the fatigue.
Other all I'm doing pretty good, I'm just working on trying to figure out what lotion will do the trick.
Have a good week
Monday, July 6, 2009
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July
Today was another day at the doctors office. I finally have some good news and things are starting to roll along. Dena tried to meet me at the Radiation office but made it after I already got in to the simulation room. Today I met with Dr. Kosiak and he explained that I was on the lung cancer (No I don't have lung cancer) case study last week. And the doctors and specialist decided it was best for me to start radiation and not to have any more chemo. The discusion was basically because they can't come up with any reason why I have a cough besides the chemo. Let's just say I have been almost celebrating that I won't have any more chemo. Two more months of chemo wasn't in my plans.
I got my permanent markings (tattoos) today and schedule for my radiation. I also had another CT Scan, this time to check out my markings. I will start radiation on Thursday July 9th at 3:20. I will go every day (Monday-Friday) at the same time for 20 days, meeting with Dr. Kosiak on Wednesdays before radiation.
Have a great week
Today was another day at the doctors office. I finally have some good news and things are starting to roll along. Dena tried to meet me at the Radiation office but made it after I already got in to the simulation room. Today I met with Dr. Kosiak and he explained that I was on the lung cancer (No I don't have lung cancer) case study last week. And the doctors and specialist decided it was best for me to start radiation and not to have any more chemo. The discusion was basically because they can't come up with any reason why I have a cough besides the chemo. Let's just say I have been almost celebrating that I won't have any more chemo. Two more months of chemo wasn't in my plans.
I got my permanent markings (tattoos) today and schedule for my radiation. I also had another CT Scan, this time to check out my markings. I will start radiation on Thursday July 9th at 3:20. I will go every day (Monday-Friday) at the same time for 20 days, meeting with Dr. Kosiak on Wednesdays before radiation.
Have a great week
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
On Monday I had my second PET Scan. As of right now everything is going as planned my cancer is either gone or shirking.
Today I met with Dr. John Kosiak at North Radiation Therapy Center for my consultation. Their is some debate over me having an additional 2 cycles of chemo. Dr. Kosiak explained in detail why he would like this. My mass in my chest was bigger then .33 cm and according to the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) practice guidelines they recommend more chemo. I have Stage 2A Hodgkins Lynmphoma. He is going to call my oncologist Dr. Larson to discuss this. I should know on Monday if more chemo is in my future or we will move on with about 20 days of radiation.
On Monday, July 6th I have my Simulation and CT planning appointment. At this appointment they will take x-rays of the treated area. I will also get my permanent tattoo marking on Monday. The CT is used to further outline the treatment area.
As for my cough and shortness of breath, it's better this week. I'm still working with the respiratory doctor. All my test last week came back negative, so that's a good thing. As of right now she hasn't scheduled me any new tests.
Have a great 4th of July!
Today I met with Dr. John Kosiak at North Radiation Therapy Center for my consultation. Their is some debate over me having an additional 2 cycles of chemo. Dr. Kosiak explained in detail why he would like this. My mass in my chest was bigger then .33 cm and according to the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) practice guidelines they recommend more chemo. I have Stage 2A Hodgkins Lynmphoma. He is going to call my oncologist Dr. Larson to discuss this. I should know on Monday if more chemo is in my future or we will move on with about 20 days of radiation.
On Monday, July 6th I have my Simulation and CT planning appointment. At this appointment they will take x-rays of the treated area. I will also get my permanent tattoo marking on Monday. The CT is used to further outline the treatment area.
As for my cough and shortness of breath, it's better this week. I'm still working with the respiratory doctor. All my test last week came back negative, so that's a good thing. As of right now she hasn't scheduled me any new tests.
Have a great 4th of July!
Friday, June 26, 2009
A lot to update
I apologize for not updating sooner. I have had an interesting few weeks.
Two weeks ago I spent most of the week working at the pool or sleeping. I had a Complete Pulmonary Function test a week ago Monday after my last chemo. My lung level was lower than normal. I was also lucky enough to get my favorite shot and a CT Scan on Monday afternoon. The end of last week I called my oncologist because I still had a bad cough and shortness of breathe.
I then was given a Respiratory Doctor and met with her on Friday. Dr LeClaire from Respiratory Consultants. And boy did things happen fast. I had a CT Chest scan on Monday June 22 (they found nothing), I was also given the news on Monday that my oncologist has left the office and I was given a new one. Then Wednesday I spent most of day at North Memorial having a Bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is a technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. An instrument (bronchoscope) is inserted into the airways, usually through the nose or mouth, or occasionally through a tracheostomy. This allows the practitioner to examine the patient's airways for abnormalities such as foreign bodies, bleeding, tumors, or inflammation. I had some side effects from the Bronchoscopy similar to chemo. That test came back a little abnormal but nothing major. I did have some problems with my oxygen level and heart rate. My resting heart rate for about a week was 124.
Today Dena and I first had a Echo gram (that came back a little lower then normal but nothing major) my resting heart rate is in the high 90s, follow that by meeting my new oncologist (Dr. Larson) completely different then my other doctor, and ended my day with Nuclear Medicine Lung Scan and a chest x-ray (good thing they found nothing). Right now they are thinking my cough and shortness of breathe is a reaction to my chemo.
Nuclear Medicine Lung Scan
What is it? A lung scan provides your doctor with images that show both the blood supply and the air supply to your lungs. The scan actually occurs in two steps. Blood supply—perfusion— is captured in the following way:
I have done some fun things in the last two weeks. My cousin Adam Schieck got married to a beautiful bride Katie Lewis in Park Rapids last weekend. It was nice getting away for my first time since chemo started even though I coughed like crazy. For Father's Day (my dad and I) went to Wetterlunds to see Rueben who was going to be home from Iraq but instead we got to hang out with Rolly and Sandy. Iraq was having dust storms so Reuban couldn't get home. I also have worked at the pool and even taught a few parent child classes in the evening with Mackenize who has done a nice job of teaching when I'm busy coughing.
Next week I have a PET Scan on Monday and on Wednesday morning I meet with the Radiologist for the first time. I have been very lucky to have a very understanding boss since I don't really get to pick when I have my lovely tests and doctors appointments. And I also have people more then willing to work for me especially when I have a nice shift like 5:30 or 6:30 am (I love that shift but most people don't).
Hopefully the cough goes away on it's own as the chemo drugs work their way out of my system. And then we'll have a new treatment plan after the appointment on Wednesday.
Have a wonderful weekend
Two weeks ago I spent most of the week working at the pool or sleeping. I had a Complete Pulmonary Function test a week ago Monday after my last chemo. My lung level was lower than normal. I was also lucky enough to get my favorite shot and a CT Scan on Monday afternoon. The end of last week I called my oncologist because I still had a bad cough and shortness of breathe.
I then was given a Respiratory Doctor and met with her on Friday. Dr LeClaire from Respiratory Consultants. And boy did things happen fast. I had a CT Chest scan on Monday June 22 (they found nothing), I was also given the news on Monday that my oncologist has left the office and I was given a new one. Then Wednesday I spent most of day at North Memorial having a Bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is a technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. An instrument (bronchoscope) is inserted into the airways, usually through the nose or mouth, or occasionally through a tracheostomy. This allows the practitioner to examine the patient's airways for abnormalities such as foreign bodies, bleeding, tumors, or inflammation. I had some side effects from the Bronchoscopy similar to chemo. That test came back a little abnormal but nothing major. I did have some problems with my oxygen level and heart rate. My resting heart rate for about a week was 124.
Today Dena and I first had a Echo gram (that came back a little lower then normal but nothing major) my resting heart rate is in the high 90s, follow that by meeting my new oncologist (Dr. Larson) completely different then my other doctor, and ended my day with Nuclear Medicine Lung Scan and a chest x-ray (good thing they found nothing). Right now they are thinking my cough and shortness of breathe is a reaction to my chemo.
Nuclear Medicine Lung Scan
What is it? A lung scan provides your doctor with images that show both the blood supply and the air supply to your lungs. The scan actually occurs in two steps. Blood supply—perfusion— is captured in the following way:
- The technologist injects the radiotracer into a vein. A radiotracer is a compound made of a radioactive isotope and a pharmaceutical agent.
- The radioactive isotope releases energy, and a special camera creates an image from it.
- The image shows how the radiotracer is distributed in the blood vessels of the lungs.
- You breathe from a mask for several minutes. The gas mixture includes a small amount of a radioactive isotope of xenon (an inert—not chemically active—gas).
- The radioactive isotope releases energy, and a special camera creates an image from it.
- The image shows how the radiotracer is distributed in the lungs after normal breathing.
I have done some fun things in the last two weeks. My cousin Adam Schieck got married to a beautiful bride Katie Lewis in Park Rapids last weekend. It was nice getting away for my first time since chemo started even though I coughed like crazy. For Father's Day (my dad and I) went to Wetterlunds to see Rueben who was going to be home from Iraq but instead we got to hang out with Rolly and Sandy. Iraq was having dust storms so Reuban couldn't get home. I also have worked at the pool and even taught a few parent child classes in the evening with Mackenize who has done a nice job of teaching when I'm busy coughing.
Next week I have a PET Scan on Monday and on Wednesday morning I meet with the Radiologist for the first time. I have been very lucky to have a very understanding boss since I don't really get to pick when I have my lovely tests and doctors appointments. And I also have people more then willing to work for me especially when I have a nice shift like 5:30 or 6:30 am (I love that shift but most people don't).
Hopefully the cough goes away on it's own as the chemo drugs work their way out of my system. And then we'll have a new treatment plan after the appointment on Wednesday.
Have a wonderful weekend
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Last Chemo
I normally don't say this, but my last chemo sucked. What could go wrong went wrong. We got started late due to getting into the doctor late. We sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes. Then I got to chemo and it took them four times to get my IV in. I normally have some problems getting the IV in, but nothing like that before. Before chemo even started I got sick. That hasn't happened before. It took a little longer then normal to get my chemo done and I was missing a chemo drug. On a good note, I did have my favorite nurse, Karen, for my last chemo.
Here are some notes or updates. I will have a respiratory test Monday morning, followed by a naulasta shot in the afternoon, and then a CT scan after that. Two weeks from Friday I will meet with the doctor and the people in radiation.
For those that have been following the blog, I haven't needed the naulasta shot in 6 weeks. I'm getting it this time to help prevent infections because of my cough. It's been a great 6 weeks not needing the shot. I have had some joint pain without the shot, but I know it will be worse with the shot. I may be looking for a hot tub later in the week. I moved home so I don't have the neighbors nice tub.
I'm also looking for a aloe plant for radiation. Julie Benson suggested I get one. If any one has a suggestion on where I can get one let me know.
Have a great weekend
Thursday, June 11, 2009
One more day
Dena is in Miami on a nice long weekend which is a great vacation for her. She has spent a ton of time with me in chemo. I don't think she ever thought we would have so much bonding time or having to watch Katie Lee and Hoda in the morning with me.
So I have friends bringing me, visiting me, and my dad bringing lunch. My dad will bring me home after a stop for a icee.
I have had some questions about radiation. It should start some time in July. I'm hoping to be done by August (that's my schedule). I haven't met with radiology yet. That should happen sometime here in the next few weeks. They told me two weeks ago that I need to wait at least two weeks after my last chemo to begin radiation. They need the chemo drugs out of my system in order to start radiation.
Also far as my breathing and cough goes, I will have a respiratory test on Monday morning at North Memorial. My breathing is much better but I still have a cough.
My white blood cell count was back up so I didn't need a shot again this week. That's so exciting, I would do almost anything not to get a shot.
On Tuesday I made a trip to Como Zoo with a friend's kids for a few hours, the highlight of the day was the rides. I made a few trips to Grandma Wetterlunds for lunch to visit Rolly. This week I also had healing touch appointment and a massage. I was told I had good energy.
Healing Touch is an "energy therapy" that uses gentle hand techniques thought to help re-pattern the patient's energy field and accelerate healing of the body, mind, and spirit.
Healing Touch (HT) can help lessen post-surgical pain, reduce the anxiety and stress of various medical procedures, relieve and/or reduce the effects of chemotherapy, lend support for those withdrawing from substance abuse and so much more, according to the Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation. I'm not sure if I liked it or not but it was worth a try.
Have a great Friday
I will check in again this weekend
Monday, June 8, 2009
What a weekend
I can't wait until Friday for my last chemo appointment. I have had some questions about if I can have visitors. Yes, you can come and visit me. Come early in my chemo visit. My dad says I don't look very good when I am done with chemo.
I have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 and chemo starts at 11:00. If you are planning on visiting me, give me a call to get some directions.
Here is the address
North Memorial Outpatient Center
3435 West Broadway
Robbinsdale, MN 55422
(763) 520-7887
After two changes in meds, my cough is starting to get better. I can now breath a little easier than last week.
This weekend I went to Austin with my Dad to visit my Grandma. He makes weekly trips to Austin to check on her or go to her doctors appointments. It's interesting watching my Dad deal with his Mom. I don't know what's worse, him watching me in chemo or dealing with his Mom. I will say he does a nice job. Also on the Dad note, if you get the Star Tribune one of the machines he has worked on at Tennant was on the front page of the business section on Monday.
We went to a bridal shower for Jessica (Bryan's ) on Sunday at Jessica's Mom and Dad's house and we had a good time. We actually have pictures of her for the first time, she loves having her picture taken. Dena even stopped at Sonic for slushies on the way home. It was a first time visit for my Mom and Dena.
Today I worked for a little bit at the pool and then had lunch at my Grandma's with Rolly who is in town for a few weeks. It's always great seeing him when he's home, he is in the Marines and has been to Iraq twice.
Also I'm amazied with all the words of encouragement, and generosity people have shown. I'm must say this isn't easy but it's alot easier with the support I'm given.
I'm now waiting to have my lab work on Wednesday to check my white blood cell count.
Have a great week
Thursday, June 4, 2009
What a week
Eight days until my last chemo. Not that I'm counting!
This week as been a little different then most. It started with a cough last Wednesday and by Monday I had shortness of breath and still a cough. A call to the doctors office and a new med is supposed to help with the cough. So far it hasn't, but at least I can breathe for the most part. They will be taking away one of my chemo drugs but it shouldn't change anything as far as chemo goes.
Last week was my last day of school for the school year. This week I have had to go in and do a few things but it's nice working on my time.
Here are some other things I have done this week. Tuesday my dad and Jim had the dragster at Sandburg Middle School in Anoka for Tech Ed. I went to help get the car out and in the trailer. Tuesday evening I went and got a massage at the Cancer Center at Unity and then went to a benefit concert with some of the girls at the pool. Wednesday I worked a little in the afternoon at the pool and then I went to a kindergartner's baseball game. Joshua had a few nice hits.
Today was the last day of school for the boys who I get up in the morning. It's fun to see how excited they are about summer vacation.
Have a great rest of the week
Thanks for the notes of encouragement
This week as been a little different then most. It started with a cough last Wednesday and by Monday I had shortness of breath and still a cough. A call to the doctors office and a new med is supposed to help with the cough. So far it hasn't, but at least I can breathe for the most part. They will be taking away one of my chemo drugs but it shouldn't change anything as far as chemo goes.
Last week was my last day of school for the school year. This week I have had to go in and do a few things but it's nice working on my time.
Here are some other things I have done this week. Tuesday my dad and Jim had the dragster at Sandburg Middle School in Anoka for Tech Ed. I went to help get the car out and in the trailer. Tuesday evening I went and got a massage at the Cancer Center at Unity and then went to a benefit concert with some of the girls at the pool. Wednesday I worked a little in the afternoon at the pool and then I went to a kindergartner's baseball game. Joshua had a few nice hits.
Today was the last day of school for the boys who I get up in the morning. It's fun to see how excited they are about summer vacation.
Have a great rest of the week
Thanks for the notes of encouragement
Sunday, May 31, 2009
From Dena
My role this weekend was definitely the easy one. I actually enjoy my four day work weeks when I take Anna to chemo. I get to take a day away from the office and spend it with Anna instead. I really just sit and watch TV with her and entertain her for a few hours. It can be exhausting to sit around for all those hours. But it is nothing compared to watching her get sick while they pump poison into her veins.
I try to help by getting the ice chips during the injection chemo and cracking a new heat pack when the last IV burns a little going in. Or I help to re-arrange her blankets after she needs a bathroom break. And lately I have been the one to provide the movie selection so that we have something to watch other than daytime TV.
This weekend, I spent the whole weekend with her while our parents were downtown celebrating an award Dad received. Sometimes it is easy to forget that she is sick. She still wants to be active and is always starting new projects. Her strength amazes me. Not just how well she deals with the initial side effects of chemo with the nausea and all but also how well she deals with the hair loss and changes in her skin and many other changes she has noticed. She doesn’t dwell on these things but is always looking forward. Looking to the next step in treatment and looking forward to when this is over and life can get back to normal.
Anna is dealing well from day to day and she has her routine down after going through this seven times already. She didn’t really need me watching over her but hopefully I provided some entertainment and distraction from the illness for a few hours. I know that I didn’t get as much sleep as I was hoping for during the weekend and Anna didn’t seem to sleep much either. But I’ve heard that since I left she has done more napping so maybe I was too entertaining.
I know that your comments on her blog mean a lot to her. So please sign your name and let her know that you are reading and thinking of her even if you don’t have a comment. She has been surprised by many of you who are reading and how you found her blog. It was great to hear from Aunt Pat and cousin Heather and many of you that have provided comments regularly. Every little bit helps Anna get through this challenge.
I try to help by getting the ice chips during the injection chemo and cracking a new heat pack when the last IV burns a little going in. Or I help to re-arrange her blankets after she needs a bathroom break. And lately I have been the one to provide the movie selection so that we have something to watch other than daytime TV.
This weekend, I spent the whole weekend with her while our parents were downtown celebrating an award Dad received. Sometimes it is easy to forget that she is sick. She still wants to be active and is always starting new projects. Her strength amazes me. Not just how well she deals with the initial side effects of chemo with the nausea and all but also how well she deals with the hair loss and changes in her skin and many other changes she has noticed. She doesn’t dwell on these things but is always looking forward. Looking to the next step in treatment and looking forward to when this is over and life can get back to normal.
Anna is dealing well from day to day and she has her routine down after going through this seven times already. She didn’t really need me watching over her but hopefully I provided some entertainment and distraction from the illness for a few hours. I know that I didn’t get as much sleep as I was hoping for during the weekend and Anna didn’t seem to sleep much either. But I’ve heard that since I left she has done more napping so maybe I was too entertaining.
I know that your comments on her blog mean a lot to her. So please sign your name and let her know that you are reading and thinking of her even if you don’t have a comment. She has been surprised by many of you who are reading and how you found her blog. It was great to hear from Aunt Pat and cousin Heather and many of you that have provided comments regularly. Every little bit helps Anna get through this challenge.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Chemo # 7
First I forgot to report that my white blood cell count was great on Wednesday morning. I think I pray more for the shot then anything. I can't stand the shots. Thank you Judy for taking me, it was wonderful taking with you.
This weekend Dena is spending quality time with me. She took me to my doctor and chemo yesterday and is now spending the rest of the weekend with me since my parents are in Minneapolis for my dad's award banquet. I was a little concerned about having chemo so early in the morning. I usually have my appointments around noon but this time we started around nine. I thought things went pretty good. My dad stopped in to check on me and Dena and watch a movie with us. Dena did let me watch some of the morning talk shows. Love watching Hoda and Kathy Lee in the morning. They are so funny. I also had a few phone calls during chemo so that helped distract me for a while. I had a problem with nausea during chemo so they gave me some more meds and that seemed to help along with peppermint oil. On my way home I made a few phone calls checking to see if any one had peppermint oil.
When we got home I was tired and took a short nap. And got a phone call on where to find peppermint oil. I don't think Dena thought she would be driving around so much for me. We also tried ginger candy. I haven't decided if I like it or not.
Here is the funny part of the evening. My mom called about 10pm to check on us. I answered the phone said a few words, threw the phone to run to the bath room to get sick. Dena told her it was all her fault since I was doing fine until she called. But it seems to be that time of night after chemo since it was the same time as last time.
In 13 days I have my last chemo. Here is the plans for treatment as of right now. I will have my next PET Scan after that and meet with my doctor again and the radiologist. The earliest I can start radiation will be two weeks after chemo. They have to wait for all of my meds to get out of my system.
I will try and have Dena write on my blog this weekend. I also have some pictures to down load and get on my blog. With some cute things I have received from school.
Have a great weekend
This weekend Dena is spending quality time with me. She took me to my doctor and chemo yesterday and is now spending the rest of the weekend with me since my parents are in Minneapolis for my dad's award banquet. I was a little concerned about having chemo so early in the morning. I usually have my appointments around noon but this time we started around nine. I thought things went pretty good. My dad stopped in to check on me and Dena and watch a movie with us. Dena did let me watch some of the morning talk shows. Love watching Hoda and Kathy Lee in the morning. They are so funny. I also had a few phone calls during chemo so that helped distract me for a while. I had a problem with nausea during chemo so they gave me some more meds and that seemed to help along with peppermint oil. On my way home I made a few phone calls checking to see if any one had peppermint oil.
When we got home I was tired and took a short nap. And got a phone call on where to find peppermint oil. I don't think Dena thought she would be driving around so much for me. We also tried ginger candy. I haven't decided if I like it or not.
Here is the funny part of the evening. My mom called about 10pm to check on us. I answered the phone said a few words, threw the phone to run to the bath room to get sick. Dena told her it was all her fault since I was doing fine until she called. But it seems to be that time of night after chemo since it was the same time as last time.
In 13 days I have my last chemo. Here is the plans for treatment as of right now. I will have my next PET Scan after that and meet with my doctor again and the radiologist. The earliest I can start radiation will be two weeks after chemo. They have to wait for all of my meds to get out of my system.
I will try and have Dena write on my blog this weekend. I also have some pictures to down load and get on my blog. With some cute things I have received from school.
Have a great weekend
Monday, May 25, 2009
Another Week
Overall, last week wasn't too bad besides having fatigue. I can't believe how little energy I have. My dad keeps reminding me what my body has been through. I can't wait for next four weeks until chemo is over. Not that I wish any time away. I'm hoping to have a little break between chemo and radiation. So I can get back to walking, running, swimming, or biking.
This weekend was nice and relaxing. The weather was great. I spent much of Friday sleeping. Saturday I was able to do the laundry for the one of the first times since I started chemo. Now that's exciting. On Sunday I did go to Church and then my dad and I went to a car show. It's a little tricky this summer that I can't wear sunscreen with chemo or radiation.
This week should be my last week at school for the school year. It seems like we just started school. I'm going to the Twins Game on Tuesday evening with a group from St. Paul's Church. I have my lab work on Wednesday to have my white blood cell count checked. They are almost sure I'm going to have to get a shot this time. I have doctor's appointment on Friday and chemo right after. Dena is going to the Doctor and chemo with me again. Then she's going to spend the weekend with me. My parents will be in Minneapolis for an awards weekend for my dad.
Aunt Patty it was a honor for you to walk for me in Washington. Heather, I usually wear jewelry except for in the mornings. I figure the boys could care less. They are more worried about what's for breakfast and when the donuts are coming.
Have a great week
This weekend was nice and relaxing. The weather was great. I spent much of Friday sleeping. Saturday I was able to do the laundry for the one of the first times since I started chemo. Now that's exciting. On Sunday I did go to Church and then my dad and I went to a car show. It's a little tricky this summer that I can't wear sunscreen with chemo or radiation.
This week should be my last week at school for the school year. It seems like we just started school. I'm going to the Twins Game on Tuesday evening with a group from St. Paul's Church. I have my lab work on Wednesday to have my white blood cell count checked. They are almost sure I'm going to have to get a shot this time. I have doctor's appointment on Friday and chemo right after. Dena is going to the Doctor and chemo with me again. Then she's going to spend the weekend with me. My parents will be in Minneapolis for an awards weekend for my dad.
Aunt Patty it was a honor for you to walk for me in Washington. Heather, I usually wear jewelry except for in the mornings. I figure the boys could care less. They are more worried about what's for breakfast and when the donuts are coming.
Have a great week
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Another Day at Chemo
Friday morning I had a doctor's appointment. Everything is normal. The doctor told me I didn't need to get a shot again this weekend, but I will need to go in and get my white blood count tested again the Wednesday before treatment. He said to expect to get a shot on Wednesday and Thursday. I was at 8.0 two weeks ago and yesterday my white blood count was at 3.0 and I need to be at 2.0 to continue with chemo. I don't have a lot of room to drop this time. My parents have been concerned about the amount of fatigue that I have had after this last round of chemo. The doctors and nurses reaction was that it took you this long to get fatigue. I will have another PET scan after my last chemo.
Chemo was faster then normal this time which was nice. Dena and I did have enough time to watch two movies. Cindy Scheevel came with my dad for lunch. It was great having new enterainment. I think we are still laughing, thanks Cindy.
When I got home from chemo, with icee in hand, I was really tired and slept most of the evening. Last night was one of the first times that nothing tested good. I think my mom got tired of running up the stairs changing what I would try to drink. I finally told them to go get another icee. I also had extereme nausau and called the on call doctor. He basically told me to relax and if it's still bad this morning to call and I could go in for an IV. Last night was the first time I got sick after chemo.
This morning so far I'm feeling pretty good. I did have breakfast and a little drink.
Thanks for all the support and cards
Chemo was faster then normal this time which was nice. Dena and I did have enough time to watch two movies. Cindy Scheevel came with my dad for lunch. It was great having new enterainment. I think we are still laughing, thanks Cindy.
When I got home from chemo, with icee in hand, I was really tired and slept most of the evening. Last night was one of the first times that nothing tested good. I think my mom got tired of running up the stairs changing what I would try to drink. I finally told them to go get another icee. I also had extereme nausau and called the on call doctor. He basically told me to relax and if it's still bad this morning to call and I could go in for an IV. Last night was the first time I got sick after chemo.
This morning so far I'm feeling pretty good. I did have breakfast and a little drink.
Thanks for all the support and cards
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Lab work
This morning I went in to have my white blood cell count. It's low but not low enough for a shot. We are now hoping it doesn't go to low for chemo on Friday.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Yah for no shot
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Yah for no shot
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's.
Last week was a little interesting, overall I did okay. It was nice not having to go in and get the shot. I was still tired most of the week and I had some problems with nauseous on Tuesday. I also had a little joint pain but not as bad as normal and that was from not getting the shot on Sunday.
On Saturday, I went to a dinner party at one of the girls that works at the pool. They had a fun time wearing wigs. I think they found out why I normally don't wear my wig. Thank you Cathy for the wonderful food.
For Mother's Day, my brother Bryan came home matching my dad's and my hair style.
I go in on Wednesday morning to have my blood work and we are hoping that my white blood count is up so I don't have to get the shot.
I have a doctors appointment (10:15) and chemo (11:00) on Friday.
Have a wonderful beginning of the week
Sunday, May 3, 2009
On Saturday it was my brother Bryan's birthday. Happy 31st Birthday Bryan. Today we celebrated his birthday with a home cooked meal. I had one piece of chicken, baked potato and a few veg's and of course Dairy Queen ice cream cake.
Overall I'm doing pretty good just tired and a little upset stomach. I was able to make it to church today with my 6 pills for breakfast and an icee on the way home from church. And a good nap in after that.
I'm still celebrating not having to go get a shot this weekend. I'm having a little bone pain but nothing like before.
Thank you for all your support and prayers.
Overall I'm doing pretty good just tired and a little upset stomach. I was able to make it to church today with my 6 pills for breakfast and an icee on the way home from church. And a good nap in after that.
I'm still celebrating not having to go get a shot this weekend. I'm having a little bone pain but nothing like before.
Thank you for all your support and prayers.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Chemo-Cycle #3 Day 1
I get requests for pictures. The first is the products from the Look Good Feel Good Class-now you know why I look so good. The next picture is me in chemo with my IV, the next picture is the IV in my left arm.
The next pictures is the TV (yes, I have questions about how big the TV is) and the last picture is my fan club for the day watching a movie after eating pizza (Dad and Dena)
This morning we first met with the Dr. Ross Siemers, my oncology doctor. He checked my lymph nodes and found no signs of any lumps. That is very exciting! Also, my white blood cell count is up so I don't have to go and get my very hated shot this weekend. Instead, I need to have my blood checked the Wednesday before chemo and if it's a problem then I would get a different shot. I'm quiet sure I could of kissed him for not having to get a shot. He was full of good news in my world. I'm hoping to have very little joint and bone pain now. Life is Good!
For Chemo I had the same nurse as last time, Nurse Karen is amazing! Dena (my sister) came with me for chemo and the doctors appointment. Dena has been a rock through my treatments and doctor visits. For lunch my dad brought in pizza from Broadway Pizza and joined us while we watched a movie. It's always nice having visitors. Overall, Chemo was about the same as before just a long day. We got to the clinic at 10:00 and left just before 4:00. It's way to much sitting around for me.
One fun thing is sometimes when I'm at chemo people will walk around handing out cookies and greetings. Today a guy I think his name is Peter, he's friends with one of the staff at the clinic, comes by with the most awesome cookies for everyone and he's so cheery when he comes in. Today he came in and discussed that he was wearing a sweater on top and shorts on the bottom. Winter on top and summer on the bottom, we decided that's Minnesota weather.
Pool Staff, I did see Julia again at chemo. It's to bad we run in to each other at Chemo instead of at fun stuff in the real world. Things are looking up for her and she is truly amazing. It helps me seeing her chemo even though it's not a fun place to met people you know.
Tonight when I got home I was super tired and nauseous. I did take a nap and woke up feeling better or was it from seeing Joe Mauer hit a home run in his first at bat that helped the nauseous.
I was able to eat some chicken noodle soup, and bread for supper. My normal first meal and I'm on the icees for drinks. We stop and get one on the way home and my dad ran and got me another one later. It helps with the nasty taste my mouth.
Have a good weekend
I will try and blog again this weekend
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Look Good Feel Good
I have a had a lot of questions on how I'm doing this week. For the most part pretty good minus the joint pain. They are telling me I have joint pain a little longer this time due to the lovely weather.
The other question is how have the kids at school responded to me having little hair. Actually only about 10 kids have asked me what happened to my hair and why I'm wearing a hat. Basically is not a big deal to them.
Last night I went to the Look Good Feel Good class (aka Eye Brow class). It was a fun class and it was nice being with other ladies who are going through chemo. I got tons of makeup from almost every different makeup company. The instructor who volunteers her time was a makeup artist and had a lot of helpful hints on makeup. Her two big tips were to wear lipstick when you leave the house and also how to make eye brows when you lose them. I won't be making eye brows on regular bases.
Today at work Linda Hawk had fun making me 5 fabulous eye brow stencils. If your at Hamilton you can check them out they are on my desk.
This Friday I have a doctors appointment first and then chemo. Dena will be going with me on Friday. I think she already has the movies picked out for us to watch. I know we are ordering pizza for lunch.
Have a fabulous rest of the week
I will try and blog again on Friday
The other question is how have the kids at school responded to me having little hair. Actually only about 10 kids have asked me what happened to my hair and why I'm wearing a hat. Basically is not a big deal to them.
Last night I went to the Look Good Feel Good class (aka Eye Brow class). It was a fun class and it was nice being with other ladies who are going through chemo. I got tons of makeup from almost every different makeup company. The instructor who volunteers her time was a makeup artist and had a lot of helpful hints on makeup. Her two big tips were to wear lipstick when you leave the house and also how to make eye brows when you lose them. I won't be making eye brows on regular bases.
Today at work Linda Hawk had fun making me 5 fabulous eye brow stencils. If your at Hamilton you can check them out they are on my desk.
This Friday I have a doctors appointment first and then chemo. Dena will be going with me on Friday. I think she already has the movies picked out for us to watch. I know we are ordering pizza for lunch.
Have a fabulous rest of the week
I will try and blog again on Friday
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Yesterday's Fun
Three days a week I'm lucky enough to get three great boys up in the morning and ready for school. This morning was the first that they saw me without my hair. The first picture is of Joshua and myself. It is the first time that he saw me without hair. They have asked me to wear my real wig. Sorry boys, you won't see me much in my real wig, it will probably be a hat.
Also my dad was a good sport and shaved his head at work today. I think he's trying to pull a Matt Lauer. Thanks dad for the support. My mom also got a very cute hair cut today.
Thanks for all your prayers, well wishes, and support.
Have a great weekend
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Chemo #4 and Joshua's Request

Sorry I didn't blog last night, but I came home super tired from chemo or the week. I slept most of the evening.
Yesterday was the half way point for the chemo treatment if everything goes as planned. So that's sort of exciting. My blood counts were the best they've been in a while. As much as I hate getting my shot, I guess it's a good thing. I have to go in on Sunday morning for my shot this time.
On Thursday morning Joshua had a request that I get some pictures so he could see what chemo looks like. I'm sure some of you would also like to see. The first two pictures are my Nurse Karen injecting meds into my iv. It's sort of like getting a shot, but it is in my iv mixed with solution. The third one is Nurse Karen hooking up an iv with some chemo meds in it. It's a lot of sitting around. I have 4 iv drips(2 are premeds anti nausea and the last two are chemo meds) , and 2 injections (both of these are chemo meds that taste bad) every time I go in. Hard to believe that what goes in my arm tastes bad right away.
This time my dad came with and we watched Anchorman. I can't say that it's a good movie, but it's funny. We spent quality time laughing. Then we watched Oprah. This was the quickest getting in and out of chemo, 4 1/2 hours.
I will say I have had very good nurses. Every time I go in I have had a new nurse and I like the first one, then the second one was good, the third one was good, and the fourth one was awesome. Very educational and helped me out in changing what I do during the injection meds so I don't get so much of the nasty taste . Eating ice chips helps a ton or at least is time.
I'm still on my soup, applesauce, and bread diet for the next few days. Allison, thanks for the soup it will be eaten this weekend. I'm very sensitive to smells the first few days after chemo. I end up eating a lot by myself at home just because it's easier for me.
One last thing, I'm looking for a rainbow clown wig to borrow for the boys in the morning. My hair is falling out a lot, good thing I started with very thick hair. I do have a wig and a bunch of cute hats. Dena brought me back a cool scarf from her vacation a few weeks ago to teach swimming lessons in.
Have a great weekend
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The good and the bad
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
First the bad news, Bailey (our winter dog) is going home tomorrow. She's such a great dog and we enjoy having her during the winter while her owner is in Texas.
The good news, Jill (one of my cousin's) had a baby girl. Here is a public plea for pictures.
This week has been a good week overall. My energy level is still low. I was able to meet someone on Saturday for a 3.5 mile walk. I'm still not up to running. I did get in the water and teach aqua jog this evening.
I have chemo again on Friday at 1:00, this time my dad is going with me. It should be fun getting entertained by him. I think he's hoping we watch some movies, we better check and make sure the player works in the room.
Have a great rest of the week
First the bad news, Bailey (our winter dog) is going home tomorrow. She's such a great dog and we enjoy having her during the winter while her owner is in Texas.
The good news, Jill (one of my cousin's) had a baby girl. Here is a public plea for pictures.
This week has been a good week overall. My energy level is still low. I was able to meet someone on Saturday for a 3.5 mile walk. I'm still not up to running. I did get in the water and teach aqua jog this evening.
I have chemo again on Friday at 1:00, this time my dad is going with me. It should be fun getting entertained by him. I think he's hoping we watch some movies, we better check and make sure the player works in the room.
Have a great rest of the week
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Easter
Sorry I haven't updated my blog, but I don't have much to report.
This week has been a pretty normal week for me. I worked Monday through Wednesday and had Thursday and Friday off. It's nice have a few days to rest. I worked more then I should of at the beginning of the week and spent most of today resting. It's still hard for me to manage how much I can do and what I want to do.
I still have some joint pain and bone pain, but it's sort of managed for the most part with meds and a bath before and after work.
Have a Happy Easter
This week has been a pretty normal week for me. I worked Monday through Wednesday and had Thursday and Friday off. It's nice have a few days to rest. I worked more then I should of at the beginning of the week and spent most of today resting. It's still hard for me to manage how much I can do and what I want to do.
I still have some joint pain and bone pain, but it's sort of managed for the most part with meds and a bath before and after work.
Have a Happy Easter
Friday, April 3, 2009
Zoo and Cycle #2
Today I start the first day of cycle #2. Dena came with for entrainment and helping me out. We met with the doctor first all of my issues are normal for chemo. Hot flashes are normal, and body aches are normal because of my age. I did get a change in med for my body aches. I have my shot this time on Sunday morning they didn't have any openings on Saturday afternoon.
So far I'm doing okay the same as every other Friday night on chemo.
I'm going to meet with the people at the American Cancer Society on Thursday to check out their resources.
The picture attached is how I spend most of my weekend. Bailey is my protector.
So far everyone is loving the hair cut. Thanks girls for the hair cut. I'm still in a little shock that it was paid for.
Have a great weekend
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hair Cut
Overall this week has been a good week. I have had a pretty normal schedule. Thursday night I will be going to the Minnesota Zoo with 30 plus 4th and 5th graders and spending the night in Discover Bay. I will be leaving them early Friday morning and heading back for chemo. Dena is going with me and we have a doctors appointment first then chemo. I will start chemo around 11:00. You are more then welcome to stop by if you are around Robbinsdale.
Thank you girls for the hair cut!!
Have a great Friday
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This weekend
This weekend was for relaxing and naps. I think a new reality for me. I'm used to trying to do a hundred things in one weekend and I just can't. Some days it's success just getting out of bed.
Friday night I was able to go see Johnny Holmes (my dad's favorite local band) for an hour. It's sad that I beat my parents to bed. That's after teaching swimming lessons in the morning, eating lunch at Applebee's (the only thing I wanted before chemo last time), and napping all afternoon.
Saturday Jeanine Schieck came and visited in the morning. Thanks Jeanine for the flowers and taking time to come and visit us. Again it was more naps. I think I was on the 45 minute nap followed by 30 minutes awake repeat until bed time. I saw a few of the NCAA hockey games, but I can't tell you the scores of the games.
Sunday, I taught Sunday School and went to a pancake breakfast. Thank you Don and Sharon Gabrielson for stopping and seeing us. It was great seeing you and thanks for the magazines, Dena and I will put them to good use on Friday. I have had some problems with HOT flashes. Let me tell you it's not fun at 34 having hot flashes. I'm using a old pool technique opening the freezer to help.
This week I hope to have a normal week. I'm sure I will need to stop and take some naps. My energy level isn't the same as it was last time between chemo.
I have a doctors appointment (at 10:00) before chemo on Friday, as of right now Dena is going to chemo with me before she leaves on vacation for a week. I will be in chemo from 11:00 until who knows when. You're more then welcome to stop and see us during chemo if you are around on Friday.
Have a great week!
Friday night I was able to go see Johnny Holmes (my dad's favorite local band) for an hour. It's sad that I beat my parents to bed. That's after teaching swimming lessons in the morning, eating lunch at Applebee's (the only thing I wanted before chemo last time), and napping all afternoon.
Saturday Jeanine Schieck came and visited in the morning. Thanks Jeanine for the flowers and taking time to come and visit us. Again it was more naps. I think I was on the 45 minute nap followed by 30 minutes awake repeat until bed time. I saw a few of the NCAA hockey games, but I can't tell you the scores of the games.
Sunday, I taught Sunday School and went to a pancake breakfast. Thank you Don and Sharon Gabrielson for stopping and seeing us. It was great seeing you and thanks for the magazines, Dena and I will put them to good use on Friday. I have had some problems with HOT flashes. Let me tell you it's not fun at 34 having hot flashes. I'm using a old pool technique opening the freezer to help.
This week I hope to have a normal week. I'm sure I will need to stop and take some naps. My energy level isn't the same as it was last time between chemo.
I have a doctors appointment (at 10:00) before chemo on Friday, as of right now Dena is going to chemo with me before she leaves on vacation for a week. I will be in chemo from 11:00 until who knows when. You're more then welcome to stop and see us during chemo if you are around on Friday.
Have a great week!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Trying week
Thank you to Cathy, Judy and Kiwi for taking time to come and see me on Sunday while my parents where out of town. And thanks to the rest of you that called.
This week as been a little bit of a trying week for me. Chemo went pretty good but the reaction to the shot has been a different story. I have been in a lot of joint pain until today and nothing but taking a bath really doesn't seem to help. I walked around a few days feeling like I was 100. I also had a few sleepless nights which didn't help.
I have also had to learn to slow down which I really don't like to do. I keep thinking I can do everything I did before and some.
Have a wonderful weekend
This week as been a little bit of a trying week for me. Chemo went pretty good but the reaction to the shot has been a different story. I have been in a lot of joint pain until today and nothing but taking a bath really doesn't seem to help. I walked around a few days feeling like I was 100. I also had a few sleepless nights which didn't help.
I have also had to learn to slow down which I really don't like to do. I keep thinking I can do everything I did before and some.
Have a wonderful weekend
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Chemo #2
I taught swimming lessons in Friday morning and learned the hard way that it causes dehydration being in the water that long. I thought that I drank enough but they basically told me I need to drink Gatorade all the way from the pool to the clinic and the problem should be solved. Also my white blood cell count was a little low so they had to wait for a doctor to give permission to start chemo. This afternoon I will have to go to the Hospital and get a shot of Neulasta (this will continue until I'm done with chemo). So it took longer then it should of to get started. My dad came to see where chemo takes place and how it gets started.
We got home after stopping at a few places at 7:00. I had some problems with nausea and I called the on call doctor to change one of my meds. That seemed to help a little bit.
On Thursday night, one of my dad's Aunties died so her Funeral is on Sunday afternoon in Rochester. They decided it won't be a good idea for me to go. I have a few people stopping in to check on me and if anyone else is in the neighborhood you're welcome to do so or give me a call.
Have a great weekend
We got home after stopping at a few places at 7:00. I had some problems with nausea and I called the on call doctor to change one of my meds. That seemed to help a little bit.
On Thursday night, one of my dad's Aunties died so her Funeral is on Sunday afternoon in Rochester. They decided it won't be a good idea for me to go. I have a few people stopping in to check on me and if anyone else is in the neighborhood you're welcome to do so or give me a call.
Have a great weekend
Thursday, March 19, 2009
In between week
This week overall has been a good week. For the most part it was a pretty normal week for me. I still have some fatigue but not as much as the first week after chemo. My appetite was back to normal. I was able to walk a few times , swam a few laps and taught an aqua jog class this week.
Today was the best I have felt in two weeks only to have chemo tomorrow and feel like crap again.
I'm a little bumped I won't be able to go to the Girls State Basketball Tournament tomorrow evening to watch New London Spicer. I'm hoping they make it to the championship game and I feel good enough to go or they will be on TV. Yes, Schiecks I will be wearing my sweatshirt.
I will be teaching swimming lessons in the morning tomorrow and then I have chemo at 12:30.
Have a great weekend
Today was the best I have felt in two weeks only to have chemo tomorrow and feel like crap again.
I'm a little bumped I won't be able to go to the Girls State Basketball Tournament tomorrow evening to watch New London Spicer. I'm hoping they make it to the championship game and I feel good enough to go or they will be on TV. Yes, Schiecks I will be wearing my sweatshirt.
I will be teaching swimming lessons in the morning tomorrow and then I have chemo at 12:30.
Have a great weekend
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Last week
Overall I'm doing pretty good. From Friday to Wednesday of last week my diet consisted of chicken noodle soup and bread. I didn't have much of an appetite until about Thursday. To many Icees isn't a good thing. I froze my tongue and the meds didn't mix well. I'm still tired and have afternoon nap times. I have been lucky to visit Grandma & Grandpa's for a quick nap in the afternoons. Other then a sore back I'm doing good. I did visit one of my dad's friends (Wilmo's) hot tub last night to help with my back. I have had a pretty normal weekend. On Saturday I worked a Elementary Volleyball Tournament. Sunday I taught Sunday School, went to a movie, and bowling.
I'm hoping to have a normal schedule this week or what's normal to me. I have chemo again on Friday afternoon. I'm at the North Memorial Humphrey Cancer Center Outpatient Center 3435 West Broadway Robbinsdale, MN 55422. I can have visitors during chemo. Hey I'm just sitting around awaiting to be done, watching TV.
Have a great week
I'm hoping to have a normal schedule this week or what's normal to me. I have chemo again on Friday afternoon. I'm at the North Memorial Humphrey Cancer Center Outpatient Center 3435 West Broadway Robbinsdale, MN 55422. I can have visitors during chemo. Hey I'm just sitting around awaiting to be done, watching TV.
Have a great week
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sunday after Chemo visit # 1
Overall I had a good weekend. I'm still have fatigued which I'm taking lots of naps and I still have some nausea. Thank goodness for good meds to help with the nausea. I have fallen in love with icees we are talking two and three a day. They go down really good. And soup is my favorite thing to eat right now.
I was able to get out of the house a few times this weekend. Most of the time it's for a short while we are talking an hour to hour and half an outing but at least I can get out. I was able to attend a dinner party last night. Thanks girls it was great hang out with you.
Rollie, Ryan, Sandra, and the girls were in town. Auntie Judy had a lunch gathering this afternoon. It was great seeing everyone especially Rollie. Keep up the hard work buddy.
The picture attached is of Rollie, Elise (Sandra's youngest daughter), Abby (Sandra's oldest daughter), and myself.
Tomorrow I do plan on going to work. I would love to make it all day, but if I can go to some of it that will be great.
Thanks for all the well wishers this weekend.
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