Sunday, May 31, 2009

From Dena

My role this weekend was definitely the easy one. I actually enjoy my four day work weeks when I take Anna to chemo. I get to take a day away from the office and spend it with Anna instead. I really just sit and watch TV with her and entertain her for a few hours. It can be exhausting to sit around for all those hours. But it is nothing compared to watching her get sick while they pump poison into her veins.

I try to help by getting the ice chips during the injection chemo and cracking a new heat pack when the last IV burns a little going in. Or I help to re-arrange her blankets after she needs a bathroom break. And lately I have been the one to provide the movie selection so that we have something to watch other than daytime TV.

This weekend, I spent the whole weekend with her while our parents were downtown celebrating an award Dad received. Sometimes it is easy to forget that she is sick. She still wants to be active and is always starting new projects. Her strength amazes me. Not just how well she deals with the initial side effects of chemo with the nausea and all but also how well she deals with the hair loss and changes in her skin and many other changes she has noticed. She doesn’t dwell on these things but is always looking forward. Looking to the next step in treatment and looking forward to when this is over and life can get back to normal.

Anna is dealing well from day to day and she has her routine down after going through this seven times already. She didn’t really need me watching over her but hopefully I provided some entertainment and distraction from the illness for a few hours. I know that I didn’t get as much sleep as I was hoping for during the weekend and Anna didn’t seem to sleep much either. But I’ve heard that since I left she has done more napping so maybe I was too entertaining.

I know that your comments on her blog mean a lot to her. So please sign your name and let her know that you are reading and thinking of her even if you don’t have a comment. She has been surprised by many of you who are reading and how you found her blog. It was great to hear from Aunt Pat and cousin Heather and many of you that have provided comments regularly. Every little bit helps Anna get through this challenge.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Dena! Hang in there Anna....I know this is a long road for you, but you can do it! Prayers and hugs from the Witte family to you :)


Anonymous said...

Dena~ Anna is very lucky to have you taking such good care of her. I have enjoyed reading your thoughtful blog posts over the weekend. It is clear that you are both blessed to have each other :) Hang in there Anna! You are now on the countdown!!! I agree with Dena- your strength and determination are nothing short of amazing!



Linda said...

You go girl(s)!! Anna and Dena, you are two peas in a pod. You are both amazing.


Anonymous said...

Anna , I'm thinking about you and I know Nicki really likes you and enjoys going to the classes that you do after school. I'm glad you let people know at Adams. We care about you and want you to get better. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you!!
Barb Dupont

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you each day!

Jan & Marlee

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sweetie, I'm thinking of you and cheering you on. You are remarkable! What an inspiration you are. Here you are, in this enormous battle, and you are giving so many of us encouragement by your example. Not sure if there was a historical figure by the name, but to me you are "Anna the Great!"

Love, Chris Dahlberg